====== PV198 course - One-chip Controllers (autumn 2019) ====== * teaching takes place in room A415 * mandatory short homework for every lesson * individual final project required * max 2 unauthorized absences ===== Syllabus ===== * Course introduction, hardware, IDE, SDK {{ :pv198:1_introduction.pdf |}} * LED, buttons (GPIO) {{ :pv198:2_gpio.pdf |}} * Interrupts, Timers {{ :pv198:3_interrupts.pdf |}}, {{ :pv198:3_timers.pdf |}} * Dimming LED (PWM) {{ :pv198:4_PWM.pdf |}} * Joystick (ADC, DAC) {{ :PV198:5_adc.pdf|}} * Communication protocols overview + accelerometer, gyroscope - I2C {{ :pv198:6_communicationprotocols.pdf | 6_Communication Protocols}}, {{ :pv198:6_i2c.pdf | 6_I2C}}, {{ :pv198:6_accelerometertemplate.zip | 6_Accelerometer Template}} * Pressure & temperature sensor (SPI) {{ :pv198:7_spi.pdf }}, {{ :pv198:spi_bmp280_template.zip | 7_Temperature&Pressure template}} * UART {{ :pv198:8_uart.pdf }} * 2x16 LCD display {{ :pv198:9_lcd.pdf }}, {{ :pv198:LCD_1602_with_DAC-Template.zip | 9_LCD_template}} * Audio example (I2C, I2S, codec, SD card) {{ :pv198:10_musicplayer.pdf }}, {{ :pv198:k66f_musicplayer-template.zip | 10_MusicPlayer-Template}} - {{ :pv198:low_bit_rate.wav |}} {{ :pv198:high_bit_rate.wav |}} {{ :pv198:a.wav |}} * USB {{ :pv198:11_usb.pdf }}, {{ :pv198:k66f-usb_mouse-template.zip | 11_USB-Template}} * Ethernet {{ :pv198:12_ethernet.pdf }}, {{ :pv198:k66f-upd_send-template.zip | 12_Ethernet-Template}} * WiFi + Individual projects - task definition, consulting [[pv198:zadania-2019| Zadania projektov]] [[pv198:projekty-2019 | Priradene projekty]] name: public password: pv198 ===== HW information ===== [[http://www.nxp.com/FRDM-K66F | Product page]]: main source of information – description, guide, links [[https://os.mbed.com/platforms/FRDM-K66F/ | Additional information]]: detail information + pinout pictures​ [[https://www.nxp.com/document/guide/get-started-with-the-frdm-k66f:NGS-FRDM-K66F | Get started]]: step-by-step guide with pictures and videos​ ==== Documentation ==== {{ :pv198:mcuxpresso_sdk_api_reference_manual_mk66f18.pdf | API Documentation }} [[https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/FRDMK66FUG.pdf | Board user guide]]: information about the board and its peripherals​ [[https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/reference-manual/K66P144M180SF5RMV2.pdf | K66 reference manual]]: MCU information – features, registers description​ [[https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/K66P144M180SF5V2.pdf | K66 data sheet - technical data]]: MCU characteristics​ [[https://www.nxp.com/downloads/en/schematics/FRDM-K66F-SCH.pdf | Board schematics]] ---- [[pv198:vyuka-2018|Old study materials (AVR)]]